Food Doesn't Grow in Supermarkets Activity Kit

A multi-sensory lesson plan including 4 different types of real honey to help children discover where food comes from!
If you ask children in the United States where their food comes from, many of them will answer, “from the supermarket”. It’s an understandable answer for most children who are raised in cities or the suburbs and may have never even seen a real farm. Nature-Watch has developed this fun lesson that allows children to re-establish the lost connection between the environment and the foods that we eat.
This “hands-on” experience along with thought provoking questions and answers will allow participants to discover the nature/food connection. Step-by-step instructions guide the instructor as the children see, smell and taste 4 different types of all-natural honey. In what ways are they similar and different from each other? Do they look, smell and taste different? Why?
The curriculum makes it easy for instructors! You do not need to know anything about this subject in order to teach it. (We learned a great deal as we developed the curriculum and our hope is that you will learn alongside your students).
Great for grades K-5 and designed to be a 45-60 minute learning experience. Aligned to Next Generation Science Standards and includes a STEM chart which allows you to extend the learning even further.
Includes: Easy to follow lesson plan, 4 different types of honey straws and worksheets for each participant. You provide wipes/napkins.
Note: This kit contains real honey. Please be aware of any participant allergies.