Rain Stick Activity Kit (Discontinued)
Music and making musical instruments are an integral part of many cultures. Musical instruments are made of all sorts of natural materials which produce their own unique sounds. Our Rain Stick Activity Kit allows children to make their own craft rain stick which includes similar features to those of ancient cultures around the world and Native American Tribes in North America. While authentic natural rain sticks might include thorns from a cactus and gravel for sound, our child-friendly version uses craft materials to create a similar sound.
Kids recreate the experience and learn about music as they craft their own Rain Stick Instrument! All the materials for the Rain Stick have been included, plus we've included links in the manual to listen to an actual Rain Stick as well as other natural instruments! Our Instructor’s manual makes it so easy to learn how to assemble the craft and to deliver the educational content as well. Kids will love making their own rain stick and then playing together as a rain stick orchestra.
Ages 5 and up.